I love working in Central Park when I'm in New York. Each time I visit, the landscape is dramatically different. In the spring, the skies were a vivid shade of blue, and pink flowers decorated the trees throughout the chilly park. And while the barrenness of winter was often still rampant, new life was also beginning to sprout forth. Seasons in transition are seasons of their own.
With summer officially here, there's no better time to visit the city's largest, iconic green space. Here are 25 images that encompass the beauty of Central Park, a reminder to all of us that the magic is still there.
Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana)
Ashika Gogna stopped, dropped and found her way in Compass Pose, in the midst of a busy entrance to the park at 59th St., while the driver of this retro taxi was on break.
Peaceful Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Andrea Rice, mindbodygreen's Yoga Editor, enjoyed getting her feet dirty on the cold, late spring soil. Going barefoot and "earthing" is a rare opportunity for most New York City dwellers.
Upward Bow/Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Kim Stetz, in head-to-toe paint, was reminiscent of a beautiful creature from the planet Pandora in Avatar.
Peaceful Warrior
Breakfast Criminals blogger and mindbodygreen contributor Ksenia Avdulova achieved perfect juxtaposition, wearing her combat boots for this peaceful pose.
Wide Side Lunge (Scandasana)
Gail Grossman, of Om Sweet Om Yoga in Port Washington, NY, connected to her "Mother Earthness" as she blossomed like this beautiful tree — a sign of summer on the close horizon.
Headstand (Sirsasana) With Lotus
In this meditative headstand variation, Paula Butler was the embodiment of the Buddha underneath the Bodhi tree.
Side Plank Pose
Heazry Salim caught some sun himself, and made sure to smile.
Compass Pose
Ning Fecher appeared as powerful and sturdy as the large rock beside her.
Full Lotus (Padmasana) With Bind
Anne Roberts showed wisdom, beauty and flexibility in this deep, seated meditation.