1. What is the most powerful lesson you have learned through your yoga practice?
A combination of patience, strength and understanding. Strength because you are always stronger than you believe yourself to be; and, well, patience and understanding can get you through pretty much anything that comes your way.
2. What is your favorite yoga pose? Least favorite?
Dancer! I absolutely love this pose (Followed by wheel as a close second). Least favorite? Perhaps, half pigeon. I’m getting better at it; but, sometimes it’s still difficult or really challenging for me.
3. If you could be the star of one cartoon (TV or Movie) what star would you be?
I did two internships with Disney Entertainment in Orlando, FL and was very good friends with Ariel.
4. What do you love about practicing yoga as a community?
Sometimes you can pull strength from others. Others can also serve as motivators. I think I most enjoy some of the funny moments. Especially the roars. Shared experiences help to form and strengthen bonds. The community may be small (with respect to the size of Morgantown); but, I always enjoy seeing the same friendly faces.
5. Do you make resolutions? If yes, what is one for 2014. If no, why?!
I usually make the same ones every year. a) Be kind to everyone you meet. b) Do what you can to be happy. c) Learn something new every day. I have yet to break them.
6. What is your advice for a new Mogi?
Allow yourself to try new things on your own and don’t be afraid of falling. You might surprise yourself and find a new passion. I had been wanting to try hot yoga for years; but, I was waiting to find one friend that wanted to go with me. Finally, I made the decision to try it myself and now I’ve actually gotten some of my friends to give it a try. Also, you’ll be amazed at how fast your body will change. I’ve been exercising for years and dancing since I could walk; but, in the few short months (end of September/beginning of October was when I started hot yoga at Po_Yo_Mo) I’m amazed at how strong I’ve gotten and how much my body has changed. I was so excited the first day I took flight with crow pose. Just the other day I was able to take Birds of Paradise. Tiny accomplishments that I was proud of. I’m still working towards my handstand, though. Your body is capable of doing amazing things. If you treat it right and fuel it right, it will surprise you.