Ste 102
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757) 427-9642
I was very impressed with this Bikram yoga studio I was invited to that I bought a week and plan on integrating many classes into my weekly routine for months to come. The yogi instructor was so informative throughout the session about the anatomical benefit that every different pose heeded. He was so helpful at making sure he elaborated on correct form so that we weren't harmful on our muscles and joints. After the class, he stuck around to talk to the students about any questions they had. I was given his warranted advice about who to look up and study for my runners knee. This guy is one yogi filled with oodles of yoga knowledge. The studio was clean and breathe able, not too stuffy like other classes I've been to with carpet. The pace was just right, I'll be back again!
I love Bikram Yoga and have been to dozens of different studios. I did not love this studio. The heat was inadequate, the instruction was non-existent - though the instructor later explained that it was a "silent class" which he participated in himself because there were only a handful of students. I don't think this is ever a good idea; it even falls short of the classes I've taken where they have a recording of Bikram himself doing the dialogue. The only thing this place has going for it is the price - at $12 it was certainly the cheapest Bikram class I've ever taken. But I probably would have done just as well doing yoga in my living room.
The studio itself was very nice and the instructor did seem to know a lot about what each pose did for your body. that's the only good things I could say about it. It was my first Bikram yoga class, and my first hot yoga experience ever. The heat was a little uncomfortable for me but that is not why I am giving this studio 1 star. The reason why I am giving this studio 1 star is because it was not in any way a peaceful, mindful yoga experience I was expecting and what I am used to. The instructor kept barking out things like, "burn those cottage cheese thighs so you can wear a bikini, " "we don't sell cheesecake here, " and other comments that were not calm in any way. Maybe that's motivating to someone in a spin class...but this is YOGA. Another reason why I was unhappy with the class is because he would compare other students to one another as a form of motivation to do a further stretch or push yourself more than you're body is comfortable with. I saw disappointment on my face, and some other people's faces who had to take breaks or who weren't able to do it all perfectly. I really want a yoga studio nearby my house so I kept searching and found a new studio that opened near Dam Neck and General booth. It's called OM yoga and healing arts. I went to my first class with them this morning and it was much more up my alley. Calm, peaceful, motivating. The instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful. I would recommend going there..they have all sorts of levels.
Having practiced for 10 years I can attest this is a solid studio with an excellent and experienced instructor. Small suggestion that any prospective students should investigate the filtered comments that present convincing rebuttles to the below two star review.
Not the Bikram I'm used to for a few reasons: -the floors are not carpet and my Breathe mat, which I always use at Bikram studios, would have slipped all over the place. Had to use a studio yoga mat. -owner/instructor made adjustments by touching students. Particularly a very pretty in shape student he 'demonstrated' on throughout the class. A bit skeevy. -the room was VERY dry, no moisture at all. -owner/instructor was complaining about how many classes he has to teach a day. Not anything I want to hear from an instructor. I did like the dialogue, however the class was an extra 30 mins long because he was teaching to the new people in class. I won't go back because of the weird touchy feely vibe, which is unfortunate because this is the only Bikram in the area. Would rather drive all the way to Richmond.
I've never done Bikram before, so I am just basing this off of my experience at this studio. I really enjoy the instructor's dialogue and really like the floor in the studio (after reading the other review) It is a soft floor that is easily cleaned. Not sure what is to dislike about that. It is 90 minutes of sweating and concentration that I really enjoy!!
Great to have local Bikram available here and def will come back. Inviting staff and great studio capturing beach essence with Bikram structure.
I am sorry for the bad review that someone posted on Yelp. First of all, I am so glad they don't have carpet on the floor. Think about that! Bikram yoga, everyone in the room sweating buckets on the carpet! Been to many Bikram in NYC and let me tell you. Carpet that people sweat on day and night, 7 days a week, smells soooo bad. My friend and I almost left the first time in NY because of the smell. Disgusting! Went to one in D. C. and no carpet, loved it! Some instructors can be so militant but this studio is encouraging and kind even though they do push you to do your best possible and beyond. I am so glad we have this studio for I have been waiting for a long time for Bikram to come to Virginia Beach! And no stinky carpet, so much more sanitary!