Candlelit RestorativeYoga*VSC in Johnson
Register by emailing yoga@vermontstudiocenter.org
Restorative Yoga with Hot + Cold Stone Therapy
First Sunday of the month 4-6p, $30, arrive 15-20 minutes early, Space is limited to 8-12 students
Yoga Barn in Stowe
Register Here
What is Restorative Yoga? re·stor·a·tive: having the power to restore: a restorative tonic. A medicine or other agent that helps to restore health, strength, or consciousness.
Restorative yoga utilizes props to deeply support the body, allowing you to hold poses longer. This aids the body in releasing tension at its own natural pace. Relieve stress through supported, long holds in poses close to the ground. Restorative practice is ideal for anybody experiencing stress, recovering from injury, or seeking deep relaxation. This 2 hour workshop will be candlelit and each student will leave feeling nourished, well-rested, and re-energized.