You will receive two manuals at the beginning of the program.
Each time we meet you will receive a packet and handouts for each manual.
You will also need to purchase the following books as they are required for homework and reference:
1. The Yoga Sutras as translated by Satchitananda
2. The Breathing Book by Donna Farhi
3. Yoga the Iyengar Way by Mehta
4. The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga, Volume I by Ray Long
5. Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
6. Living Non Violent Communication: Practical Tools to Connect and Communicate in Every Situation
by Marshall Rosenberg
These books are easily found on or albiris.com
This program meets all Yoga Alliance requirements for a Level I, 200 hour program.
Each session is well balanced between movement and receiving information with
inquiries for teaching, communicating, and practicing.
It is necessary to attend all weekend workshops so to accrue the mandatory hours as determined
by Yoga Alliance. If you miss a weekend, you will need to make up those hours
in another weekend session with Anna at any location.
Upon application, there is an Ethics and Financial Agreement shared that explains
requirements and expectations. These help to create clarity around financial obligations,
understanding of Anna's role as director of the program, inclement weather, and more.

Through group lecture and group sharing we will discuss how the fundamental philosophical aspects of
yoga and their life application occurs for you. While this is not group therapy, it definitely
has a therapeutic effect in the ways in which we digest and apply these concepts.
Alignment, props, and modifications for Asana
The four outer limbs & the four inner limbs - The 8 Limb System
Breathing techniques for asana, stress, relaxation,
and preparation for meditation
Eastern and Western Anatomy
Communication & Teaching Skills
Emotional integration - Pranayama
Embodied Awareness
Mantra & Mudra
Times: Saturdays from 9:00 - 5:30 & Sundays from 9:30 - 3:30 (with a half hour break for lunch)