What is Acro Yoga?
It is the integration of Yoga, Acrobatics, and Healing Arts in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, and surrounding Hampton Roads area of Virginia in the area code of 757. It is also called AcroBalance, AcrobaticYoga, AcroYoga, or just plain Acro for short. It is a physical practice that emphasizes communication and community.
ACRO YOGA - Learn the fun and safe exercise with the combination of the beauty of Yoga with the power of Acrobatics and a dash of the softness of Therapeutics. The interplay of all three disciplines will empower you to embody the practice with grace, ease & joy.
ACRO BALANCE - Confidence & coordination are developed in strength training and inversions, help pave the way for partner Acrobatics. Learn and refine foundations of Acrobatic Techniques such as l-base, foot-to-hand, hand-to-hand & standing acrobatics.
ACROPEUTICS - Also called Thai Massage or Healing Arts. This is where you’ll learn the relaxing, rejuvenating and healing elements of Therapeutic Flying. The sequences will teach you the basic techniques that uses gravity to amplify the healing flow of energy. Great benefits whether you base or fly.
An AcroYoga Jam is a chance for beginners and skilled practitioners to share and play together in a less structured environment. You'll work on basics, warm-ups, acropeutics, handstands, flows, group poses, meet new friends, and most importantly - HAVE TONS OF FUN! Also, we encourage people to find cool poses and flows so we can all try to figure it out. * Always check our Facebook Group for the event before heading out just in case there are last minute changes.