Most difficult Yoga poses Virginia

February 23, 2017

We believe yoga is for every body, regardless of age or physical strength. While our classes are physically challenging, our teachers do provide basic versions of poses for beginners. We believe in working with you at your level to help you achieve the right pose for your body. We encourage everyone to work at their own level and to heed the body’s needs on any given day.

Level One / Beginner
Level 1 classes are suitable for beginners or seasoned practioners who are looking for a slower paced experience with plenty of postural description. The class will help you develop body awareness, learn the basic postures (asanas) and their modifications. The emphasis on proper alignment will help you build strength slowly and safely. Learn yogic breathing and how to link breath with movement. Teachers may offer some longer held postures.

Level Two / All Levels
Level 2 classes are suitable for students of all levels. The basic postures are expanded to include more difficult variations and may be described with less detail. The class will flow at a faster pace and the asanas will be held longer. The classes introduce more advanced breathing techniques and concepts in yogic philosophy including the energetic body. Beginners welcome, as teachers will offer a variety of pose variations and modifications in order to accommodate both the new and seasoned practitioner alike. Minimal sun salutations offered.

Level Three / Advanced
Level 3 classes are for the intermediate and advanced practitioners and will focus on asana variations that require strength and flexibility. These classes are faster paced and more rigorous. They may include advanced inversions, hand and arm balancing postures and deep twists and back bends. Classes will usually include sun salutations and may feature long holds in postures. All levels may participate; however this level is recommended only for beginners in good physical condition.

Mixed levels classes (1/2 or 2/3)
Offer a combination of both levels and are more appropriate for more beginner level students. While advanced postures may be offered, many modifications and variations will make the poses more accessible. Teachers will offer additional descriptions and modifications for the various levels.

Gentle Style Yoga
A slower paced class that is suitable for most practitioners. May include a more meditative pace or long held postures. If sun salutations are included, they will be taken at a slow and descriptive pace.

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