Ashtanga Yoga sequence Virginia

March 18, 2017
Class Descriptions

"Mysore Style" is the teaching method that developed in Mysore, India, the location of Ashtanga Yoga's founding school, the K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute.

Are You New to Mysore Style? You do not need to know anything about Ashtanga Yoga or be able to do anything. In your first month of classes, the teacher will be teaching you a sequence of postures, which is why we require that you attend Mysore classes at least three days a week for the first month. Students who attend less frequently have a hard time remembering the order of postures and don't experience Ashtanga Yoga as it is meant to be experienced.

Experienced Ashtanga Students: There is no attendance requirement for students who know the series.

Mysore-Style Yoga for Seniors and Students with Injuries and Chronic Conditions: This practice is excellent for yoga students who have medical restrictions, limitations with mobility, or who need a chair or the wall for assistance. Phone Laura to set up your first class.

Mysore Class Etiquette - Please Read!

Mysore-Style Monday-Thursday:
Studio Opens at 5:45 am and closes at 8:30 am.
Time your arrival so you have enough time to finish your practice by 8:15 am and leave the studio by 8:30 am.

Led classes start promptly at the time indicated. The studio opens 15 minutes before the start time of led class. Be considerate of others and arrive on time!

Parking: The first students who arrive should go to the end of the bridge and all others need to pull up right behind the car in front of you for easier parking. At Kentucky Street, do not block the entrance to the auto lot across the street. Do not leave valuables in your car. Lock purses and wallets in your trunk.

Bring your own mat. You might need a "Mysore mat" (available in our shop) and a hand towel if you sweat profusely.

Maintain silence in the studio as a consideration to students who are in relaxation or meditation.

Finishing Postures are done in the small studio unless you need help with headstand. Do not practice extra postures that are not in your sequence, except for restorative poses or additional headstand-shoulderstand variations to build up your time in inversions according to Sharath's recommendations. There is a handout at the desk.

Do not go past the stopping point you have been given. Students who practice irregularly or develop injuries might be given a shorter sequence. Talk to Laura about adding postures if you think you are ready to move on to the next posture.

Shower before practice. Make sure your clothes, mats and towels are clean.

Do not bring water bottles, clothes, mat bags, props or anything else into the practice room. If you sweat a lot, you may use more than one towel. You should only have your sticky mat, Mysore mat and a towel. Everything else needs to be left in the cubbies. Do not leave your phone, wallet, or car keys in the cubbies by the door. Place them in the cubbies in the practice room.

Injuries: Bring any persistent aches or pains to the instructor's attention. Pain is not normal and indicates incorrect practice.

Going out of town? If you will be out of town, please write it on the roster so the teacher knows why you are absent.

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