Yoga Instructor Insurance Virginia

February 27, 2017
The Hot Yoga Barre yoga

Learn more about the Liability Insurance you can access through Yoga Journal's Teachers Plus

yoga insurance for teachers and studios

Protect yourself and your career. TeachersPlus provides professional yoga liability insurance and a valuable membership package for yoga instructors and studio owners.

It’s time for you to start taking the business of yoga more seriously and to adopt some of the legal protections that other health professionals already use. Avoid the threat of getting sued and protect your business with yoga liability insurance today.

Part Time Yoga Instructors (Less than 6 hours per week)

Insurance $125 + TeachersPlus Membership $65 ($1, 000 Value) = $190

Full Time Yoga Instructors (More than 6 hours per week)

Insurance $185 + TeachersPlus Membership $65 ($1, 000 Value) = $250

Why Liability Insurance?

Over 15 million civil lawsuits are filed each year in the U.S. and unfortunately, more and more are frivolous. Professional liability insurance is a nominal investment every instructor should make in order to protect themselves against the threat of litigation.

While we at Yoga Journal know that you have great intentions teaching yoga, we also know that you need to protect yourself from claims regarding accidents and other occurrences that can happen in your class, whether at a yoga studio, in a client’s home, or while you're on an international yoga retreat.

Below are 5 reasons why you need liability insurance:

Insurance Policies for Studios

Yoga Journal has partnered with Fitness and Wellness Insurance to provide yoga facilities and studios with access to affordable liability insurance.

Insurance Policies for Teachers

Yoga Journal's TeachersPlus Membership gives you access to liability insurance, teacher resources, yoga gear, and other membership exclusives.

1. Someone could sue you if he or she slips, trips, or falls in your class or studio space.

If a student were to slip and get injured in your class, a lawsuit could happen. Even without the “fault” on your behalf, an individual could still hold you responsible for their injury. Without insurance, you’d be financially responsible for fighting the lawsuit. If you have the protection of liability yoga insurance, you could be covered.

2. You could be held liable if someone gets injured from your alignment or adjustment.

Injury resulting from the physical practice of yoga is a high risk. Although you might carefully choose your sequence and offer a variety of modifications with props, a student could still get injured and you, the teacher, could get sued. Moreover, a student could claim that you did something inappropriate in class, such as taught a pose with incorrect alignment or gave an unsafe/unwanted adjustment. Either way, you could be held liable.

3. The cost of one year of insurance is cheaper than a few hours with most lawyers.

The basic coverage from Fitness and Wellness is $250 for a full-time yoga teacher and $190 for a part-time teacher (who teaches less than 6 hours per week). However, the hourly wage for lawyers can range from $50 - $1, 000 per hour. Therefore, for less than $0.55 per day, depending on the case, you could have support and up to $2 million dollars of coverage for a single occurrence.

4. You cannot buy coverage after a lawsuit occurs.

Sometimes individuals want to wait and see what happens. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work for everyone. While yoga related lawsuits are relatively uncommon, if you are uninsured and happen to get sued, you cannot buy coverage after the loss occurs. Therefore, protecting yourself with yoga business insurance can keep you safe before anything happens.

5. Coverage follows you wherever you teach, even internationally and with children.

You're covered whether you teach at a yoga studio, fitness center, recreation center, someone's house, or all of the above. You are even covered on international trips up to 30 days and while you work with kids. Your Fitness and Wellness Liability policy follows you wherever you teach.

In the end, your students’ choices are out of your control. Regardless of how much you train and prepare to teach yoga, you cannot control your students’ behavior and choices during your classes. While yoga is not meant to be competitive, students often still push themselves, and sometimes too far. In some cases, students want to learn more and grow, other times it’s a lack of knowledge. Either way, don’t you want to protect yourself? We suggest you make the investment in yoga liability insurance ahead of time to secure your career and financial future. Get yourself insured today.

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