$225 • September 17-18
Sep, 17 | ~ 11:30am-5pm |
Restorative yoga is about moving into a state of being, away from the normal activity of the body and the mind. By channeling the energies of the body — wind, blood, lymph — through specific pathways, restorative yoga creates a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.All categories of asanas are practiced – backbends, forward bends, side bends, twists and inversions — in a completely receptive manner through the support of bolsters, blankets, straps, blocks and eye pillows. Each pose is held from 5-20 minutes giving the body ample time to unwind and move into the parasympathetic nervous system leading to an experience of healing rest.
Cyndi will lead you through TWO full sequences of restorative poses, each designed for a specific energetic result. Following practice we will look at several key restorative asanas and you will work in partners and groups to teach these poses to each other. There will also be time for feedback and discussion about how to build your own restorative yoga class sequences, as well as how to offer these poses in studios where there are not a lot of props.You will leave this training with more confidence in teaching restorative yoga classes as well as incorporating restorative poses into your regular active yoga classes. Bring three eye pillows and a notebook.