Jillian Michaels Yoga Virginia

August 4, 2018
Health Benefits of Cardamom Tea


Cardamom is a perennial plant native to southern India. The taste of cardamom is most commonly known as the earthy vanilla quality associated with chai. The medicinally active components are found in the seeds, which can be dried and steeped in hot water to make cardamom tea, according to "Yoga Journal." Cardamom is one of the oldest known spices and is popular as a medicinal plant in Sri Lanka, India and the Near East. Before using cardamom medicinally, consult a qualified health care provider.

Digestive Treatment

Text of the ancient healing tradition Ayurveda indicate that cardamom tea has been used after meals to aid digestion for about 5, 000 years. Based on anecdotal reports, acid from coffee and spicy foods such as curry can irritate the intestines, produce gas and make dairy difficult to digest. "Yoga Journal" says cardamom can be brewed and added to coffee to neutralize the acid and can be consumed as a tea during or after meals to reduce the gas associated with spicy foods.

Dental Treatment

Cardamom contains a natural antibacterial quality that helps neutralize dental bacteria. After meals, drinking a cup of cardamom tea can be beneficial for treating bad breath and other oral health issues. Ancient Egyptians used cardamom to whiten their teeth and sweeten their breath with the rich, spicy-flowery quality of the spice. The strong and aromatic fragrance can remain in the mouth for several hours, notes The Register website.

Source: livewell.jillianmichaels.com
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