Yoga poses for Partners Virginia

November 10, 2017
Takes yoga to girls across

Kids Yoga Classes

Family Yoga & Teens, Tweens & Kids Yoga Class Series

Pre-registration encourage to ensure space requirements, and make sure we have a minimum number for classes. Elementary and Teen classes are 6-week series; however, once classes get going, if you have missed registration, you can begin at any time!

Family Yoga: Saturday mornings from 9 – 9:45 am

Join your child, ages 5 through adult, in a fun yoga practice that allows for laughter, coordination, and always ends with a good bit of relaxation!

Elementary School Kids: Join Cari Wednesday evenings from 4:45 pm – 5:30 pm

Class will improve strength, flexibility, and coordination. Children will learn how to focus and center themselves with various breathing and visualization techniques. They will also learn self-respect and respect for others with the practice of fun and challenging poses, partner and group poses, lots of yoga games, breathing and basic anatomy. Will also include mindfulness using art, share circles and storytelling.

Teens & Tweens: Join Paula Friday evenings at 4:45 pm

Using yoga postures to build inner and outer strength and flexibility are the main focus of this class. Also included are partner and group poses and playful yoga games. Experience emotional balance through the physical and mental benefits of yoga by practicing breathing exercises, flowing sequences, balancing poses and deep relaxation while building a healthy relationship with your body. Positive self-awareness and esteem are encouraged.

Sign up for a 6-week session for only $60. If classes have started, you can still come and we will prorate the weeks.

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