Quick morning Yoga Virginia

November 20, 2013
Photo of Sandy Toes Yoga

Truck at americampsAfter our AMAZING time getting lost in NYC, we HAD to make our way to the nearest RV shop that could get us in. I mentioned a couple posts back that we talked to Southern RV and the owner's son managed to squeeze us in on Friday so we could get an idea of what's causing the water to collect in the underbelly.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am SURE that we would have been able to look under there ourselves and find out what was wrong but since we don't have the tools to fix it or order parts for replacement, we just figured we would let them look at it and save us the trouble. After all, it's still under warranty.

We were about 6 hours from Southern RV in Richmond, VA so we had a quick overnight in Maryland at a nice resort. Pricy, but some good views.

The kids thought it was a cool place. We didn't explore Maryland since Jonathan needed to get some more hours in for work.

We got out of there early in the morning and made it to THE FRIENDLIEST of all the RV Resorts/Parks we have been to yet.

Americamps RV Resort in Ashland, VA. Holy Goodness! These are the nicest people we have ever met. I'm not even kidding. ALL the workers had big smiles on their faces. They truely loved thier jobs. They informed us that there was free waffles in the morning and they were even having free hot dogs that evening which was a Thursday.

A gentleman took us to our overnight spot (we had to get the RV to the shop by 9 am so we weren't staying long) and even made sure we got backed in ok and talked to us for awhile. We got set up, I got laundry washed and we just chilled that night since we knew we had a busy day in the morning.

We were getting pretty good at this set up and take down routine, we even told each other that. Then it happened! We got in a hurry that morning, and as I pulled in the kid's slide I heard a weird sound. Jon was outside and came over to tell me that something wasn't right and the slide wasn't in all the way. No joke! I could tell from inside something was really wrong. I pulled the slide back out and sure enough, we forgot to put up the stupid jack-knife-sofa (which is Ada's bed and has to be in the upright position for travel for the slide to come in). No problem, let's just set it up and be on our way. Well, when I pulled the slide in, it bent the arm of the sofa SO BAD that it wouldn't get in the upright position. It totally jacked-up (see what I did there) the side of the wall. They only solution was to take the whole sofa out - which we had plans to do when we made it back to Knoxville - the only problem was we were trying to make it to our appointment by 9!

Source: bareneckers.com
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