Spiral Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio welcomes practitioners of all ages and the whole family, and all levels of experience, to join us at our warm and inviting studio in the heart of the Rosemont neighborhood in Portland, ME. We strive to provide a sense of open community and connections, allowing for opportunities for the whole family to practice yoga under one roof by offering a diversity of yoga &wellness classes with membership and discounted options, community classes as well as Kids Yoga Discovery room (which provides supervision for children while parents practice yoga).
Expressing gratitude:
I’m eternally grateful to all friends, family, students and the community around me that believed in this vision and helped me make this possible. I’m thankful to my super supportive husband Brian and two small yogic children Natalia and Konrad for helping mama create the space.
There are so many amazing people that guided me in this journey and it is nearly impossible to list them all. I’m thankful to my very first teachers Jennifer Elliot and Sandra Pleasant who gave me a strong foundation to what yoga is about, to all teachers who I mentored, studied and simply took classes with in the last 13 years, to all local studio owners for walking your own unique paths and creating places to practice yoga in the community.
I’m thankful for meeting Lisa Flynn a founder/owner of ChildLight Yoga Studio in NH for sparking even more interest in me to pursue my dreams and Sharon Trull who formally introduced me to children’s yoga. I’m thankful for Reiki Master/Healers who entered my life including Avantika Waleryszak (my prenatal teacher) and Nancy Richeson my Reiki Master/Teacher. I’m grateful for meeting and being encouraged to pursue this vision by Virginia Dearani- a director/founder of One Tree Wholistic Center and Roots& Fruits Multicultural Preschool and Kimberly Mnqgibisa –teacher, photographer and friend. Beyond words I’m thankful to all my students small and big to inspire me ever day to be my best self and work for the greater good. I’m humbled and grateful every day to walk this path.