Evolve Human Movement is making yoga easy – (Should it have ever been hard?!?!) We start by answering the question – What kind of yoga mat do I buy? Where do I get it? Online? Target? Dicks Sporting Goods?
We asked some of the most renowned yogis in the Washington DC area how they throw-down, and they have spoken. Take it from the Pros – they know what they’re talking about.
Patty Ivey, owner of one of DC’s most recognized yoga studios, Down Dog Power Yoga, said, “Manduka for me. I love that it is sturdy, and supportive on my joint system. It also soaks up my energy. My mat holds my life experiences. It is more than just something I lay down to do Asana; it is on a journey with me.” Down Dog is a “Baptiste-style” Power yoga studio (a form of heated-yoga) that has produced hundreds of gallons of sweat from DC’s finest for over a decade. It’s become the “go-to” studio in Georgetown and taking over DC’s metro area. If Patty Ivey puts her name on something – take it to the bank. Manduka mats range from 40 bucks to 118 and can be found here, or at and Down Dog studio, Georgetown, Bethesda, Herndon, Clarendon, etc.
Have you ever met a Yoga Doctor? A what?!?!? – Yeah, her name is Marie Belle. PhD in Developmental Phscology and Biology, Professor at The George Washington University, nearly 2000 hours (not 200) of yoga training, Rocket Yoga master instructor, bilingual, walks on water… the list goes on. Marie Belle stands by the Prana Indigena mat – “I like the company, warranty, texture of the mat, size is a bit bigger”. If you have any more questions, just ask her – but good luck finding her – She’s likely on another pilgrimage to India, Puerto Rico, Spain, who knows?! Prana Indigena mats cost about 70 bucks and can be found here.
But can we get a man’s opinion?!
When we interviewed Carson Clay Calhoun he was upside down… Literally… He held a 5-minute handstand while we were talking. And I think he managed to post an Instagram photo with his feet at the same time (carsonclaycalhoun on IG). Carson is nationally recognized as a leading inversion and Rocket Yoga instructor. Home base is Little River Yoga in Arlington, VA. Carson insisted on Lululemon’s Yoga Mat, “The Big Mat”. This is a larger version of their most popular yoga mat “The Mat”. Carson said he likes it because “It’s sticky, and the “Big Mat” is great for big yogis…”. The texture of The Mat seems to stay sticky even when drenched with sweat. The Mat is 68 dollars and The Big Mat is 88 dollars at any Lululemon store, or online here.
Evolve Human Movement’s pick –
“The Mat” by LuLu Lemon.
This is our pick. The texture is the tie-breaker. This mat has a grippy, sticky surface that keeps you grounded, even when the sweat is pouring’! If you like a little more space, “The Big Mat” is the choice. Not to mention, Lululemon is an awesome company. Sure, you may have to take out a small loan to wear their clothes, but the quality is the best in the fitness industry. Lululemon also has an AMAZING community outreach program.
Whichever yoga mat you throw-down on, it truly doesn’t matter. What matters is that you show up. Dedicating time to get OUT of your mind, and IN to your body. That’s showing up for yourself.