Yoga mat gym bag Virginia

June 21, 2018
Yoga mat bag, gym bag

"I'm in the Army and commute an hour each way to work with PT at 6 in the morning, so I live out of my gym bag(s)/car. In my shower bag: Towel, shampoo/conditioner, facial soap, body wash, loofah, flip flops, hair gel, brush, makeup bag, hair ties and clips, toothbrush/toothpaste, makeup remover, body lotion, and deodorant. In my clothing bag: Complete ACU uniform, boots, socks, boot blousers, clean undies (I always carry an extra bra and pair of panties... just in case!), running shoes, Crossfit shoes, set of civilian workout clothes (for Crossfit classes after work), extra socks, Nalgene bottle, tampons, Motrin, instant coffee packets (for long days), and school books/homework folder (I'm also a grad student—who's apparently too cheap for a separate backpack) And in my trunk: Extra complete ACU and PT uniforms (for days when I forget something—a weekly occurrence at minimum), lunch box, and a yoga mat.

Our fave: She wins the award for being the most prepared for anything. Anything! Camilla Nusbaum blogs at TGI Paleo.

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